Walkthru Metal Detector
Handheld Metal Detector
Hand Held Search Lights
Bomb Detection System
Road Spikes
Riot Control Gears
Avalanche Victim Detector
Remote Explosive Kit
Under Vehicle Search
Telescopic Manipulator
Portable Fibroscope
Infra Red Helipad Lights
Mine Sandal
RSP tool Kit
Thermal Cutter
Wire & Cable Locator
Remote Operated Wire Cutter
(Security Equipment Devision)
Lotus House 1059, Industrial Area, Phase-2, Chandigarh
++91-172-2652002, 2653327
Fax: ++91-172-5075175
                  LOTUS   -  MINE  SANDALS
Lotus Mine sandal is a unique product designed to enable soldiers to cross or work within a minefield. Wearing this , soldier can perform mine detection activity or simply cross the minefield in order to move forward to other missions. Mine sandals prevents accidental mine activation.
Principle of operation

Most Anti personal ( AP)  mines are triggered by pressure caused by the weight of a person stepping on the mine. Mine sandal significantly reduces this pressure by distributing the person’s weight on a large surface in any type of terrain. Adjustment to terrain is achieved by a rigid treading board on the upper side of the sandal and a flexible mantle on the lower side of the sandal.

Product construction
  1. The sandal is made from a reinforced engineering plastic surface

  2. The plastic surface is attached to a canvas and nylon fabric envelope. This flexible envelope contains 5 compartments, each of which contains one air cushion.

  3. These cushions are connected to each other via a connecting tube and a flexible manifold.

  4. The upper part of the plastic surface is equipped with special straps that harness the soldier's shoe to the sandal.

  5. In addition, Lotus Mine sandal has a rubber tube with an oral inflation valve and an emergency inflation mechanism made of a manual inflator grip attached to a compact CO2 cylinder.

  6. Mine sandals can be used in all types of terrain without loss of efficiency.

  7. Mine sandals maintains maximum safety and reliability on various surfaces from sand to rocky terrain and from mud to vegetated areas.

  8. Lotus Mine sandals has minimal metal content , plastic frame allowing the unimpeded use of a metal mine detector ( with any false alarms ) and preventing the unintentional detonation of magnetic mines

  9. Its durable, long life span and value for money

  10. Size of the sandals : 35 x 70 x 13 cm

  11. Weight : 2400 to 2600 grams per sandal

  12. Maximum Payload : 220 kgs

  13. Quickly inflatable and deflatable

Unique features in comparison to our any competition

1. Lotus Mine sandal has no metal parts, which can interfere with the operation of metal detectors, and might cause the activation of magnetic mines. ( While Other competitors have metal stepping frame in a shape of a ladder.)

2. The stepping board of the Lotus Mine Sandal is made of a High-density rigid plastic board. This board will provide a good protection to the soldier foot in case a blast had occurred under the sandals, (can happen if stepping on a fully exposed mine). ( In the case of our competitors , the stepping frame is made of metal rods, therefore there is no barrier between the mine and the soldier foot and in case of a blast the damage will be much greater, since metal will further do damage )

3. Lotus Mine sandal is fabricated from state of the art Cordura® fabrics providing a longer life cycle and less punctures., with high resistant to abrasion ,tears scuffs and punctures. ( other competitors use old obsolete material - thin nylon fabric. and technology )

4. The air cushion of the Lotus Mine Sandal has two layers bottom, in a shape of a pocket. This is in order to provide a better resistance to punctures. In addition, in a very though areas (with a lot of prickles or sharp stones) the user can put a flexible board into the air cushion pocket in order to provide even a greater protection.

5. Lotus Mine sandal has (as an option) an emergency inflation mechanism designed to be used if a puncture had occurred in the middle of a minefield. This is a CO2 cartridge that as similar to a life vests, can be discharge into the air cushions and inflate them back again. ( Other competitors don’t have it )

6. Lotus Mine detector has a molded manifold air pipe to connect between the 5 air cushions. This unique pipe enables a smooth and quick air flow between the air cushions. This capability provides a better performance due to a quick adaptation to the terrain embossment (shape). ( Other competitors use 4 plastic pipes and rigid joints to connect the 5 air cushions, causing a greater resistance to the air flow and increasing the chances for failure or air leaks )