Walkthru Metal Detector
Handheld Metal Detector
Hand Held Search Lights
Bomb Detection System
Road Spikes
Riot Control Gears
Avalanche Victim Detector
Remote Explosive Kit
Under Vehicle Search
Telescopic Manipulator
Portable Fibroscope
Infra Red Helipad Lights
Mine Sandal
RSP tool Kit
Thermal Cutter
Wire & Cable Locator
Remote Operated Wire Cutter
(Security Equipment Devision)
Lotus House 1059, Industrial Area, Phase-2, Chandigarh
++91-172-2652002, 2653327
Fax: ++91-172-5075175
                 WIRE & CABLE LOCATOR

Utility : Detection of buried and surface laid cables in moist and moist soil conditions and in both conductive and non conductive (inductive) mode . It has many varied applications, encompassing Excavators, Plumbers, Electricians, Drainage, Irrigators, Telecoms & Energy Authorities.
Transmitter which is the small box that induces a signal into the Pipe or Cable and the Receiver that picks up the signal from the Pipe or Cable.

The Receiver is held by the operator and it shows him by means of an LCD screen that he is directly over the cable, he can also push a button and it will give him an electronic depth reading of the Pipe or Cable. By using this highly advanced technological product , the Buried Line Locator simplifies Underground Pipe & Cable Tracing, Locating & Fault Finding, making it easy to operate - even for the novice.

The unit’s Transmitter uses low current output and a specifically tuned frequency to ensure against disturbing lines with equipment connected. The low power requirement also allows both the Transmitter and Receiver to operate on standard “AA” size batteries.

Technical Specifications:
Basically the locator set is made up of 2 separate units.

  • Frequency range :    Multi-frequency ranging from  50 Hz to 85 KHz approx.
  • Detection range  :    Length - Minimum detection of 50 meter long insulated  wire.
                                        Depth – from 20 cm to 15 feet  ( above 4 meters )  in moist soil conditions

Total  Weight of equipment :   less than 3 kgs

Power source :  Battery Operated for  approx 11  hrs continuous operations.  Works on AA batteries.

Alarm Display :  Audio(with and with out head phone), Adjustable volume, Visual  (  LED ,  LCD  )  for utmost accuracy

Sensitivity settings :   Variable

Power Control And Other Display  : On/off
                                                                Sensitivity display
                                                                Low Battery display
                                                                Auto diagnostic display for non-functioning of the unit.

Carrying Case :    Light weight, rugged, securing the unit safe during  frequent transportation and easy to carry

Operating  Temperature :  -25 degree  to  60  degree C

Safety :   Compliant to  international human safety norms

How the equipment operates

The Receiver’s audible tone is used for quick tracing.

LCD & LED displays pin-point exact line location and depth measurement. , the display indicates Signal Strength, Depth, Low Battery and Passive Mode Setting. If the signal is lost, the auto-gain can be reset at any time by pushing the “signal reset” button. This will immediately allow you to re-locate the line.

The Passive Mode setting allows for tracing without use of the Transmitter, locating cables and pipes that have an arbitrary (or otherwise) electrical current (such as 50Hz) flowing through them. A warning sound is emitted from the Receiver if it is left on when not in use.

There are three modes in which the Transmitter can be used simply placing it on the ground where it will induce its unique signal into the cable / pipe being traced. Or using the Inductive Clamp around the cable / pipe. Or direct connection (up to 600 Volts - if ‘Live’) which is especially useful when differentiating one service from other services as well as tracing the likes of a Gas Mains where a ‘tracer wire’ is used. And many other similar Power, Telecom, Irrigation & Drainage applications.